Saturday, December 15, 2018
'An Overview of Population Growth in Vietnam and New Zealand\r'
'TOPIC: par and contrast race ingathering grade in Vietnam and in the raw Zealand since 2000s and give reasons for the similarities or differences. What effects constitute these changes had on the economies and societies of the ii countries ? Essay: Population appendage come in is the increase in a verdant’s tribe during a period of time, commonly oneness year, expressed as a lot of the tribe at the start of that period. Each province in the world has different targets found on the numerate of renders, deaths during the period and the number of immigrants, emigrants.In this essay, I would make some comparison and contrast of cosmos development arrays between Vietnam and stark naked Zealand since 2000s as well as give reasons for rise or slouch in cosmos. Besides that, existence emersion has effects on the economy and society of two countries will be discussed. There ar differences in the creation step-up in Vietnam and bare-ass Zealand. Overall, the order look dissimilar in two countries. It is perspicuous from both(prenominal) graphs virtually the existence branch rate in New Zealand and Vietnam of CIA World Factbook, New Zealand is the country with low population fruit rate enchantment Vietnam has high population growth rate.As can be seen from the graph of New Zealand (CIA World Factbook) , the rate fluctuated mildly. The highest rate in 2000 r to each o fate 1. 17% whereas the lowest one in 2011 accounted for 0. 88%. Between 2000 and 2007 the population growth rate dropped steadily from 1. 17% to 0. 95% then arise slightly to 0. 97% in 2008. From 2008 to 2011, it declined gradually to 0. 88%. It is noticeable from the graph of Vietnam (CIA World Factbook), the population growth rate fluctuated widely. The highest rate in 2000 made up 1. 49 to a greater extentover the lowest one stood at 0. 98% in 2009.From 2000 to 2003, the number of population growth has a sharp fall from 1. 49% to 1. 29% then increased sli ghtly to 1. 3% in 2004. Between 2004 and 2009 the rate dropped dramatically to 0. 98% afterwards had a minimal rise to 1. 1% in 2010. Then it went raven gradually to 1. 08% by 2011. Similarly, both the population growth rates in Vietnam and New Zealand declined in some periods, 2000-2007, 2008-2009, 2010-2011. However, a comparison of population growth rates in two countries reveals some(prenominal) similarities but the great deal number of differences.In stages 2003-2004 and 2009-2010, while the number of population growth increased in Vietnam, it flowd in New Zealand. From 2007 to 2008, the population growth rate went up in New Zealand whereas went grim in Vietnam. Second, the reason for the rise or the decline in population in New Zealand is completely different from that in Vietnam. While the main reasons in New Zealand atomic number 18 emigration and low birth rate, in Vietnam those are high population twist and low sense of women nutriment in folksy areas. The main reason to explain the decrease in population in New Zealand is emigration.According to the ABS and Statistics New Zealand, it is estimated about 14% New Zealanders emigrate to new(prenominal) countries each year. Of these, over three-fourths emigrate to Australia. Other communities of New Zealanders abroad are concentrated in other English-speaking countries, specifically the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada, with littler numbers located elsewhere. The low birth rates also affect the decrease in population in New Zealand. As professor Natalie capital of Mississippi from Waikato University’s National Institute of Demographic and sparing Analysis mentioned New Zealanders birth rates fall in got declined over the past several decades.People are living longer because of increased access to immunization, primary wellness care and disease eradication programs. Many parents are realizing that as health conditions improve, more of their children are potential to surv ive, so they are choosing to have fewer babies. In addition, with greater access to education and jobs, more women in New Zealand are starting their families later and are having fewer, healthier children (Study to find solutions to population decline, www. waikato. ac. nz). It is said that Vietnam is the leash most densely populated country in Southeast Asia behind Singapore and Philippines.The main subscriber line to explain the rise in population in Vietnam is high population structure. According to UNs article in Vietnam, the population growth rate in Vietnam went down recently because the country has experienced a decrease in the ingrained profuseness rate. Even when the total fullness drops below replacement level, the absolute number of people will continue to increase ascribable to population momentum . The continued population growth is the legacy of earlier years of high fertility rates and cannot be avoided.So each year population in Vietnam increased reaching an av erage of one million people (Vietnam’s population keeps ontogenesis despite decrease in total fertility rate, http://www. un. org. vn). Another convincing reason is low awareness of women living unpolished areas. There were 60,410,101 people (70. 4% total population of the country) living in rural areas. Of these, three-fourth women especially in high land telephone exchange provinces married before the age of 20, with a muliebrity on an average bearing four or more than four children.However, later the legal jointure age for women was set at 22 but this law met serious opposition in those areas. As the Vietnamese believed in â€Å"falling in be intimate early and getting married early†(Vietnam Population, http://www. asiarooms. com). Changes in population have both positive and negative impacts on the society and economy. In Vietnam, increased population growth generally represents problems for country- it means increased need for food, infrastructure, service s, jobs…In addition, the population growth also provides a huge amount of labor force, the potential for quick economic development is certainly there (Population increase Rates, www. geography. about. com). In contrast, New Zealands government is facing a considerable loss of gray matter because of emigration. close one quarter of New Zealands highly-skilled workers live overseas, largely in Australia and Britain, more than any other actual nation. That will cause a serious ravish on its economy (Demographics of New Zealand, http://en. wikipedia. org).In conclusion, population growth rate varies from country to country. Even though Vietnam and New Zealand seem similar in many features of population growth rates since 2000s, the causes of declining or increasing population and the effects on economy and society of two countries are totally different. Besides that, Vietnams government should have strict population policies, education programs for women to control popul ation growth and New Zealands is expected to have more investments to prevent skillful workers from emigrating as well as improve the birth rates.\r\n'
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